Sapphire Paper Mill is On the Rise

With the excitement of our new paper machine in our Sapphire Paper Mill, we got a little bit emotional and started to reminisce about our grand opening of Sapphire Mill.

To our delight we found an article from 2011 about the success of our parent reel production within the Sapphire Mill.

“This is a very encouraging step in the recovery of the mill. Its reopening provided a major boost to the local economy and this increased capacity will allow for a wider customer base.” (Fife Today, 2011)

In the article it mentions that due to Sapphire Mill’s success we, were increasing our shifts to a four-shift system in 2011 creating new jobs in the local area, many of these staff are still with us now, providing more knowledge of our machine and quality of our parent reels. This was the beginning of a very productive four years for Sapphire Mill.

Now in 2015 with our investment within Fourstones. Sapphire Paper Mill is to open our new Paper Machine, PM4. We continue to hire locally and have already employed crews for our new Paper Machine, the staff are currently training on our current machine PM2. Our new staff are learning the operations, details and expectations of our customers.

We are confident that more jobs will be created at Sapphire Mill as well as Fourstones Paper Mill.

To read the full article about Sapphire Paper Mill’s opening click here.

Read about our history here

Parent Reel Forming

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